Trad Pot,

  • Palace Bar Whiskey

    On March 10th, we found ourselves once again in the luxurious Palace Bar for an exquisite Irish Whiskey tasting to celebrate the upcoming Paddy’s Day celebration.

    After a few adjustments to the Palace whiskey bar and due to more tasters than seats, we could start eyeing up the night’s whiskey selection.

    As expected of an Irish Whiskey celebration, the selection had been meticulously chosen. Some of the big Irish whiskey names were present, but all whiskeys were particularly noteworthy, with the inclusion of rare and brand new Irish Whiskey releases:

    1. Green Spot Château Léoville-Barton
    2. Green Spot 10 Year Old Pure Pot Still
    3. Irish Whiskey Society Marrowbone Lane Pot Still - Exclusive Bottling
    4. Midleton Dair Ghaelach Tree 2
    5. Powers 16 Year Old – Celtic Whiskey Shop Exclusive Bottling
    6. Bushmills SteamShip Sherry Cask Reserve
    7. Celtic Cask 14: Celtic Cask Ceathair Deag (14)
    8. Celtic Cask 15: Celtic Cask Cuig Deag (15)


    Stephen Magennis, from Celtic Whiskey Shop, was our presenter for the night with special guest Peter White from the Irish Whiskey Society and Mark McLaughlin from Bushmills.

    After a brief introduction to the current Irish whiskey market and its state of revolution, it was time to whiff our first whiskey.

    Paddys Day Irish Whiskey Tasting Lineup

About Us

The Celtic Whiskey Club is run by staff at the Celtic Whiskey Shop, Dublin. Our aim is to bridge the gap between whiskey drinkers and whiskey makers, giving our members special opportunities to sample amazing whiskeys.

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For general information about the Celtic Whiskey Club, including registration, please contact us at:
 tastings (@)
  +353 1675 9744
  +353 1675 9768
 27-28 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland